MAY Warrior
Otto's first seizure was very sudden and left his parents anxious and unsure of what lay ahead. Sadly, the seizures persisted, leading his parents to document the episodes and seek medical advice.
Their paediatrician, recognising the seriousness of the situation, reached out to Queensland Children's Hospital for further evaluation and guidance.
The diagnosis of epilepsy was a turning point for Otto and his family, bringing uncertainty and worry into their lives. With Otto already facing neurological conditions, including cerebral palsy, the additional stress of focal and absent seizures added another layer of complexity to the mix.

These seizures, which can happen at any time of the day or night, pose constant challenges and require constant supervision.
Absent seizures (also known as ‘petit mal seizures’), are a type of generalised (whole-brain) seizure.
They typically last less than a minute and can look like the person is daydreaming or staring into space.
Focal seizures (previously known as ‘partial seizures’) originate in a specific area of the brain and can cause a range of symptoms, from localised twitching to altered consciousness.

Daily life for Otto and his family is very busy, with school routines and countless medical and allied health appointments scheduled in. His mother's message to others going through similar challenges shows the resilience of their family: "Just remember you're amazing and brave. Never give up."
Through it all, Otto continues to strive and move forward every day with the biggest smile. He is a beautiful and happy little boy; a brave, strong miracle.